Main Features

Import Widget

It will import the ready made widget to the site. It helps you to reduce the designing period of the website.

Import Media

While you import the demo data, it fetches the media files necessary for posts and pages of the demo site.

Import Pages

There are many ready made pages which are necessary for a website. It will import these pages. You just have to edit with your content.

Import Posts

Plugin will import some demo post content so as to fullfil the website with demo content (posts).

Import Customizer/Options

Advanced Import will import all the settings of the customizer and also options setting of plugins.

Import Custom Post Types

You have option of importing either posts only, pages only, or products only.

Import Taxonomies

It will import Taxonomies (Categories, Tags) settings.

Import Metadata

It will import Metadata (posts, users, comments).

Code Example

function prefix_demo_import_lists(){
	$demo_lists = array(
		'demo1' =>array(
			'title' => __( 'Title 1', 'text-domain' ),/*Title*/
			'is_pro' => false,/*Is Premium*/
			'type' => 'gutentor',/*Optional eg gutentor, elementor or other page builders or type*/
			'author' => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),/*Author Name*/
			'keywords' => array( 'medical', 'multipurpose' ),/*Search keyword*/
			'categories' => array( 'medical','multipurpose' ),/*Categories*/
            'template_url' => array(
                'content' => 'full-url-path/content.json',/*Full URL Path to content.json*/
                'options' => 'full-url-path/master/options.json',/*Full URL Path to options.json*/
                'widgets' => 'full-url-path/widgets.json'/*Full URL Path to widgets.json*/
			'screenshot_url' => 'full-url-path/screenshot.png',/*Full URL Path to demo screenshot image*/
			'demo_url' => '',/*Full URL Path to Live Demo*/
			/* Recommended plugin for this demo */
			'plugins' => array(
					'name'      => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),
					'slug'      => 'gutentor',
        'demo2' =>array(
            'title' => __( 'Title 2', 'text-domain' ),/*Title*/
            'is_pro' => false,/*Is Premium*/
            'type' => 'gutentor',/*Optional eg gutentor, elementor or other page builders or type*/
            'author' => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),/*Author Name*/
            'keywords' => array( 'about-block', 'about 3' ),/*Search keyword*/
            'categories' => array( 'contact','multipurpose','woocommerce' ),/*Categories*/
            'template_url' => array(
                'content' => 'full-url-path/content.json',/*Full URL Path to content.json*/
                'options' => 'full-url-path/master/options.json',/*Full URL Path to options.json*/
                'widgets' => 'full-url-path/widgets.json'/*Full URL Path to widgets.json*/
            'screenshot_url' => 'full-url-path/screenshot.png',/*Full URL Path to demo screenshot image*/
            'demo_url' => '',/*Full URL Path to Live Demo*/
            /* Recommended plugin for this demo */
            'plugins' => array(
                    'name'      => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),
                    'slug'      => 'gutentor',
                    'name'      => __( 'Contact Form 7', 'text-domain' ),
                    'slug'      => 'contact-form-7',
                    'main_file' => 'wp-contact-form-7.php',/*the main plugin file of contact form 7 is different from plugin slug */
        'demo3' =>array(
            'title' => __( 'Title 1', 'text-domain' ),/*Title*/
            'is_pro' => true,/*Is Premium : Support Premium Version*/
            'pro_url' => '',/*Premium version/Pricing Url*/
            'type' => 'gutentor',/*Optional eg gutentor, elementor or other page builders or type*/
            'author' => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),/*Author Name*/
            'keywords' => array( 'woocommerce', 'shop' ),/*Search keyword*/
            'categories' => array( 'woocommerce','multipurpose' ),/*Categories*/
            'template_url' => array(/* Optional for premium theme, you can add your own logic by hook*/
                'content' => 'full-url-path/content.json',/*Full URL Path to content.json*/
                'options' => 'full-url-path/master/options.json',/*Full URL Path to options.json*/
                'widgets' => 'full-url-path/widgets.json'/*Full URL Path to widgets.json*/
            'screenshot_url' => 'full-url-path/screenshot.png',/*Full URL Path to demo screenshot image*/
            'demo_url' => '',/*Full URL Path to Live Demo*/
            /* Recommended plugin for this demo */
            'plugins' => array(
                    'name'      => __( 'Gutentor', 'text-domain' ),
                    'slug'      => 'gutentor',
        /*and so on ............................*/
	return $demo_lists;

Allowing demo import on Premium Version

//Give premium template access on premium version of theme
add_action( 'advanced_import_is_pro_active','prefix_set_active' );
function prefix_set_active($is_pro_active){
    //You can add your own logic to return true or false
    return true;

Import demo data in faster way

Advanced Import is designed specially for EASY, EFFECTIVE and FAST demo data import for WordPress. It can also be used for migration purpose.